May 19 Updates

Block Party - Thank you!

We would like to thank the whole McKinley Community for the amazing turnout and support for the Block Party! This would not of been such a success if it wasn't for all the parent, teacher, and student volunteers. Especially those volunteers who jumped in to help out that night. Also, thank you to everyone who donated towards the raffle baskets and drinks. Please remember to try and support all the local businesses that made donations to help us raise money. We will see you next year!!!

5th and 6th Grade Committees Updates

We're quickly approaching the end of the year and all of the associated activities, but still have a few gaps to fill.  If you haven't signed up yet and want to chaperone (Funplex/picnic) or coach/ref (soccer tournament), please fill out the Google Form ASAP: Volunteer Form.  

6th grade classes that still need volunteers (see Important Dates for details on events):

  • Corbo - 1 for Alverthorpe picnic

  • West - 2 for Funplex and 1 for Alverthorpe picnic

  • Danella - 3 for Alverthorpe picnic

  • Williams - 2 for Funplex and 4 for Alverthorpe picnic

  • Soccer - We have 7 volunteers for 6th grade but need a few more (~3). Exact number is TBD based on number of teams playing.

Please note that chaperones/coaches/referees must have a valid (not expired) ASD volunteer badge.  If you need to obtain a volunteer badge, please review this link: Volunteer Clearance Instructions.

Our first big event is the trip to Funplex on June 2nd.  Students will be back in time to catch the afternoon bus. More details regarding the trip, lunch options and permission slips will be shared by the teachers in the near future.

For the closing ceremonies on June 15th, please note that we are not holding a reception afterwards but there will be time to mingle (most likely outside) and take pictures after each ceremony. 

Also, don't forget to order a yearbook ($20) for your 5th or 6th grader as they are not provided by the PTO this year since we are going to Funplex. Yearbook Order Form

Lastly, if you have fun, school related photos to submit for the end-of-year slideshows, please upload photos using the following links:

5th Grade Form
6th Grade Form


June 2, 2022 - Class trips to Funplex (all day)
June 8, 2022 - Soccer Tournament (9:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.)
June 15, 2022 - Closing Ceremonies (6th Grade 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. / 5th Grade 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)
June 16, 2022 - Class Picnics at Alverthorpe (5th Grade 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. / 6th Grade 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.)

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and families that supported the committee throughout this year!  If you have any questions, please contact Michele Cooper ( or Tara Eng ( 

Yearbooks for Sale - $20

Get your yearbooks! If you are interested in a 2021-22 McKinley Elementary School Yearbook, please fill out THIS PDF. Each yearbook is $20. Deadline: May 27

Upcoming PTO Meeting

The final PTO Meeting for the 2021-22 school year is scheduled for June 2 at 6:30 pm (location TBD). Voting for new PTO Board members will take place at this meeting, so please submit your name if interested as soon as possible.

Cookbook Sales Ending Soon!

Cookbooks will be on sale through their expected arrival the first week of June. You can find purchasing information here. Feel free to share with family and friends. Please remember, if purchasing through Venmo or PayPal, do NOT turn on "protection for purchases" or select "goods and services".

If you have already purchased a cookbook, we will contact you directly regarding delivery once we have their exact date of arrival. If you completed the Google form to order but have not yet submitted payment, please submit payment at this time.

Contact or for further cookbook questions. 

PTO Board Position Openings

The following positions will be open for the 2022-2023 school year:


Nominee - Jennifer Fantini (see bio)

Vice President

Nominee - Stacy Trachtenberg-Pasceri (see bio)
Nominee - Whitney Saint-Fleur (see bio)


There is still time to add your name for any of these positions. 

A description of each can be found in the bylaws on the PTO website here. If you are interested in running for one of these positions or would like additional information, please send an email to Elections for the open positions will be at the June 2 PTO Meeting.

Talent Show - Deadline Extended!

We encourage McKinley students to develop a routine together and submit one video.  Please record your child's talent at home and send it into The video should be about 2 min - 2 min 30 seconds long. If the video is longer than 2 min 30 seconds, any talent after 2 min 30 seconds will be edited/deleted. All McKinley talent will be combined into one video recording and a link to the video will be disseminated to all McKinley families. Deadline: May 31


Editor: Adult(s) (or maybe a teen looking for service hours) with experience with editing videos, please help us!  This is virtual and available to anyone who has a video editing tool, knows how to incorporate text into the video and can incorporate several videos into one FINAL video!  

McKinley Garden Plant Sale

This is no ordinary plant sale. We have the garden basics as well as some unusual cultivars including seedling perennials, shrubs, and more. Even if you are a loyal supporter of another plant sale, with over 100 varieties, we know you will find something you like!

The sale is now open to the public. Please spread the word. SEE LINK

Extra Clothes Needed

The nurse's office is in need of new or clean/gently used leggings, sweatpants, and shorts in children's sizes. If you are able to donate any of these clothing items, please drop them off in the vestibule. Thank you!

Download the App and Stay Connected

We use Membership Toolkit for the PTO Directory and newsletters. If you download their app, you will have access to an events calendar, all of the newsletters in one location. and you can opt in to receive notifications so you never miss the fun the PTO has planned. If you have any questions, please let us know.

McKinley PTO