This is an exciting year for our kids! They are preparing for middle school and we have a lot of extra activities that come with that rite of passage. We have already started our fundraising activities, however, a per family contribution of $50 per student will help cover the bulk of the costs.

These funds will cover:

  • 5th grade picnic

  • 5th grade class trip

  • Student graduation gifts

  • 5th grade class gift to McKinley

  • Moving Up Ceremony and Reception

Please complete the form below & return to school by 11/30/23. If sending in cash or check place, it in an envelope addressed to “5th Grade Committee” with your child’s name and teacher.

We understand that not every famly can contribute $50, and some may be able to give more. If you cannot contribute $50, please reach out for other ways you can support the 5th grade class. Together, we can ensure ALL our kids have a great year. McKinley has H.E.A.R.T!

If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us -

The 5th Grade Committee