Nov 3 Newsletter

Today's PTO Meeting - 9:30am on Zoom

Meeting Link:

Please see the PTO Website for the agenda and budget.

Please note that there will be a vote at the meeting to amend the bylaws to include that a President or VP is permitted to be on the bank account with the PTO Treasurer as well as sign checks above $500.

McKinley Garden - Volunteers Needed

The McKinley Garden is back! The gardeners are so happy to show our dragons what has been growing in the garden this fall. The garden will be open during recess for grades 1-5 (weather permitting). The Kindergarten classes will go as a class with Ms. Hayes next week. Room 105 will be rescheduled due to the rain. See the PTO Facebook Group for the sign up link. Please note that you will need to have and wear your valid volunteer badge.

Girls on the Run

Spring registration has begun for girls in grades 3rd-5th. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the program, payment, or volunteering. See THIS LINK.

Yearbook Pictures

If you have any pictures you would like to submit for the yearbook, please send them to

McKinley Snack Stars

Be a "McKinley Snack Star" and help stock the Teachers' Lounge! Please select McKinley PTO for the shipping information so it gets sent directly to the school. Add "" in the recipient email address and/or mark as a gift and add your name in the note so we can thank you for your contribution.

Thank you from the McKinley teachers, PTO, and the entire school community.

Fundraising Opportunities

Amazon Smile: Your could earn money for McKinley by shopping at! If you designate "McKinley PTO" here or at, a portion of all eligible Amazon purchases will be donated to our school community at no additional cost to you. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Box Tops: Join us in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love!

Download the Box Tops for Education app here.  You can also use this link to find out more information.  If you would like to help us with this fundraiser, please email

Ways to Stay Connected and Get Involved

McKinley Elementary School PTO
370 Cedar Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027

PTO Website
McKinley Directory
PTO Facebook Group

McKinley PTO