Updates - December 2

Winter Fundraiser

We are having a Winter Hot Cocoa Bomb sale. Your child(ren) should have received an order form (see here) on Monday.  Boxes of Hot Cocoa Bombs will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Thank you in advance for supporting McKinley PTO!

McKinley Garden - Kindergarten

The garden will be open to the Kindergarten students today and December 9 from 11-11:30 am.  If you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer on these days, please contact Whitney Saint-Fleur at whitneysaintfleur@gmail.com or you can email the PTO.  Please note that volunteers must have and wear their current Abington School District badge. Thank you!

5th and 6th Grade Committees

We hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving break! We are thankful for all of the families that came out to support McKinley's 5th and 6th graders at Chipotle!  We raised just over $745 in one night which brought us closer to reaching our fundraising goals for the year.  We need to raise about $2,500 more and hope our next two fundraisers will take us across the finish line so we will be set for the year.

It’s the holiday season so give yourself the gift of a night off from cooking any or every Wednesday in December (12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22 and 12/29)! Dine-in or takeout at the Huntingdon Valley Iron Hill (785 Huntingdon Pike) and we'll get back 20% of sales to support our kids. Flyer with details here.

And just in time for the holidays, we're selling Wawa Shorti vouchers for $5, which make great gifts for friends and family (think of coaches and anyone you want to say thanks to). Just fill out this Google form and send payment into school in an envelope labeled "Wawa Voucher" or Venmo Sarina Breen @mckinley5thand6thfundraising (https://venmo.com/u/mckinley5thand6thfundraising).  See this flyer for more details.

Please share information about Wawa and Iron Hill with friends and family (near and far for Wawa -- vouchers are valid at any Wawa location). Thank you for your continued support!  If you have any questions, please contact Michele Cooper (mcooperdesign@yahoo.com) or Tara Eng (tlengva@yahoo.com).

PTO Committees

Attention McKinley Families: The PTO has big plans, but we NEED you! Please visit this link to learn about the events and how to sign up to help. There is no need for prior experience or knowledge of the events and committees.  We are looking forward to working with you.  As always, if you have any questions, please email us at mckinleypto@gmail.com.


PayPal makes it easy to support McKinley PTO when you shop online. Set us as your favorite charity here so you can donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal.

Directory Updates

Please take a moment to update the directory at www.mckinleypto.org/directory-howto with your child(ren)'s current grade and teacher.  Thank you!

McKinley PTO