11/5/21 Updates


McKinley PTO is on AmazonSmile! If you designate "McKinley PTO" here or at smile.amazon.com, a portion of all eligible Amazon purchases will be donated to our school community at no additional cost to you. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Joe Corbi's Fundraiser

The Joe Corbi's fundraiser has begun! A brochure and flyer were sent home in your child's folder. Orders are due on November 22, and they will be delivered on December 14.

If you have any questions, please email mckinleypto@gmail.com. Thank you for your support.

5th and 6th Grade Committees

We are so grateful to all of the 5th and 6th grade families that contributed and got us SO close to our fundraising goal! We collected just over $9,200, an amazing effort!! This is an excellent foundation to fund all of the fun activities we have planned including class trip, end of year picnic, closing ceremony, student gift, and soccer tournament.

Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of families that donated, we are off to a great start with fundraising! But we didn't quite reach our goal so the committee is planning some limited fundraisers throughout the year, centered around restaurant dine-and-donate events. Who doesn't love a night off from cooking?!?

Our first event is on November 17 at the Abington Chipotle (1437 Old York Rd). Just dine in or order out (online orders use code LKBVF2L in the 'Promo' field) on November 17 between 4PM and 8PM and Chipotle will donate 33% of event sales to support our kids. Anyone from the community can participate so please tell your friends/family and share on social media. See link for more information.

Thanks to the McKinley community for supporting our 5th and 6th graders! If you have any questions, please contact Michele Cooper (mcooperdesign@yahoo.com) or Tara Eng (tlengva@yahoo.com).

Scarecrow Take Down

If you participated in the PTO Scarecrow Night, please be sure to remove your scarecrow by the end of the day.  Thank you!

PTO Information

The PTO is a Non-Profit Organization!

This means that you can write off your PTO dues! Funds collected through dues and fundraising events go directly towards supporting our teachers, student events, and various school clubs. PTO Dues start at the suggested donation of $20.

McKinley PTO